Preschool Tuition

Tuition is due in advance, on the 15th of each month (1st payment due August 15th). All programs run September through May

Tuesday/Thursday Class 9:00—11:30am $168 per month
Option to add Lunch Bunch 11:30 to Noon Students must be 3 years old by December 1st & potty trained Teacher : Student ratio=1:7 w/Maximum class size=14

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Class 9:00-11:30am $205 per month
Option to add Lunch Bunch 11:30 to Noon Students must be 4 years old by December 1st & potty trained—Teacher : Student ratio=1:8 w/Maximum class size=16

FULL DAY/Flex Class Preschool Designed for 3, 4 & 5 year olds Monday thru Friday 9am-4:00pm (bring a lunch) 5 day $724 per month / 4 day $600 per month / 3 day $ 473 per month / 2 day $364 per month Students must be 3 by December 1st & potty trained—Teacher : Student ratio=1:8 w/Maximum class size=16

LUNCH BUNCH 11:30am-12:30pm Bring A Lunch. $7 per session if paid in advance w/tuition or ‘drop in’ for $9 per session paid at drop off.

Pay Tuition Online

Good news! We now have the option to pay tuition online! Here’s how:

  1. Click this link to take you to our online payment page.

  2. Enter the amount of your child’s tuition in the payment box.

  3. Select whether to set this as a monthly or one-time payment from the second dropdown box.

  4. Select whether to pay by credit card, debit card or through ACH bank withdrawal from the third dropdown box

  5. Fill out your billing information.

  6. Enter your payment information

  7. Click submit.

“When we were trying to decide where to send our oldest, we prayed a lot over that decision. God answered that prayer and blessed us with such an incredible place. We have loved the teachers and staff and felt welcome from day 1. We have been impressed at the level of care and dedication since the beginning, but the school closures this year showed us a new level of that. The time dedicated to putting materials together, story time through Facebook live and Zoom meetings was incredible. Truly, we can’t say enough great things about this school!”
+A Preschool Parent